ok so these photos are almost cheating because of how
this couple is.
i'm obsessed.
this is my cousin matt and his beautiful wife (my bff)
i love them both with all of my whole big fat wide heart.
ok so mallory bought a back up dress cause
she was worried her real dress might have zipper issues on the wedding day.
(don't judge.. she bought the beautiful thing for like $40)
and she figured since she had it, we might as well take pictures.
so six months seven month pictures seemed like a perfect idea.
and ok i am breaking all sorts of photo blogger rules
by going to a few of the same places i have been very recently.
such a rebellious photographer.
but i figure as long as the pictures don't look the same,
i can get away with it right???
then we let matt go home and we took some bridals with her real dress.
this girl. seriously. is. stunning.
i really just can't get over it.
so since i am breaking all sorts of photo blogger rules today..
i am going to break one more.
by posting two of the same picture because I CANT DECIDE!!
seriously though.. i might blow one of these up and put it huge on my bedroom wall.
so creepy. but i think mallo would be ok with it.
and if not.. i don't have to tell her.
so instead of judging my poor blogger etiquette today
how about you just help me decide yeah?