Thursday, November 29, 2012

recreating olivia

i was reading though books the other day with my baby girl
and stumbled across this adorable book featuring a cute spunky pig
named olivia. she totally reminded me of my cousin's little girl, lenna
who loves to dance and sing and even though she is only two, has complete
conversations and says things like.. "oh, i just can't find my words!"
thanks lenna for letting me try my "recreating a book" idea on you.
you're the cutest.
lenna asking to help her paint a polka dot.
what two year old even knows what a polka dot is?!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

the baddley family

i'm so in love with this family.
not only are they all insanely attractive,
they are good all the way to their center.
steve makes me laugh so hard it hurts,
sara is the most wonderful loving mom
ever, and their kids are the cutest ever.
i honestly feel so blessed to have this
family be part of my life.

Friday, November 9, 2012

friday freebie|oh happy day

in honor of my happy day yesterday..
to download: click on the photo above and then
click "download the Large 1024 size of this photo".
once downloaded, email it to your phone and set
it as your lock screen wallpaper.

enjoy your weekend!! :)

Thursday, November 8, 2012


you know those nights where you go to bed feeling like you got the snot kicked out of you emotionally physically and everything in between? that was me last night. but then today we went to the park and watched as the breeze swept the leaves off their braches into our hair and laps making my little one laugh as they landed on her face. I sat there listening to her babble to her dad about how happy she was and instantly, all was right in the world.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

type tuesday:hand lettering eye candy

some of these links are pretty sketch
cause pinterest is kinda lame sometimes at
sighting the correct sources but whoever you are,
thanks for gracing the world with your 
beautiful talent. :)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

the coglianese family

i can't really begin to tell you how blessed my life is to have these people in it. 
they are such a powerful and amazing family who constantly look out for and 
take care of each other. these were taken a week and a half before my baby girl 
was born so i was extremely preggo and light was fading fast, but i hope you
can get a sense this families goodness and of why i love them so darn much.